Friday, January 23, 2009


There is something stirring right now in the universe that has me waking up earlier each day with fresh ideas and renewed optimism about the future. Still, I may be one of very few people at present who is actually tapping into this renewed energy source. People are still shuffling about, disillusioned by a deteriorating economy and the work we have ahead of us before we get this country back on its feet. They've forgotten their "telos" or their reason for living. They've lost touch with their passion for life and their own imagination. They've stopped creating.

We have access to so much power as individuals when we consciously choose to be productive in the name of truth, justice, and compassion. That's what the Vagina Monologues continues to represent: an outlet for creative expression that empowers its participants to reconstruct ugliness into something beautiful, darkness into light, and despair into hope. Our only responsibility is to see beyond our own needs to those of the collective group of victims and survivors whose words and music pierce the international stage in this worldwide production every year... and what a privilege and an honor it is to say [you] have anything to do with this kind of work.

My wish is that each of us reminds each other of this fact everyday--that we have a great responsibility to one another and especially to the countless women we represent. 

Love & light to you fearless warriors,

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